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CyFlow Space

  • Configurations with up to 13 fluorescence parameters and three physical light scattering parameters
  • Choice of lasers with 365, 375, 405, 488, 532, 561, 594, 638, 640 nm
  • Maximum acquisition rate of up to 25,000 signals/s
  • Scatter particle size: 0.1 – 100 µm
  • Fluorescence sensitivity: ≤ 100 MESF (FITC) | ≤ 50 MESF (PE)
  • True Volumetric Absolute Counting (TVAC)

For Research Use Only

Order number: CyFlow-Space
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CyFlow Space – its flexibility gives you the space you need for your work The CyFlow Space is... more
Product information "CyFlow Space"

CyFlow Space – its flexibility gives you the space you need for your work

The CyFlow Space is a high-performance multi-laser flow cytometer, which offers the most flexible, simple and reliable features for routine and research work.
It is a compact multi-colour instrument for the analysis of individual cells and microscopic particles in suspension. The advanced flow cytometry technology of the CyFlow Space covers a wide range of different applications.

  • Fluorescence excitation by one to five light sources covering a range from ultra-violet to red excitation lines. o Analysis of up to 13 fluorescence parameters and three physical light scattering parameters from near UV to infra-red light.
  • Analysis of cell and particle concentration by True Volumetric Absolute Counting (TVAC).
  • Fixed standard configurations and flexible customised configurations tailored to the user´s requirement.
  • Walk-away automation by sample auto-loading from 96- and 384-well plates.

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* All prices are quoted net of the statutory value-added tax and shipping costs and possibly delivery charges, if not otherwise described

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