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CyFlow Cube 8

CyFlow Cube 8
  • Configurations with up to eight optical parameters (up to six colours)
  • Choice of lasers with 375, 407, 488, 532, 561, 594, 638, 640, 785 nm
  • Particle size: 0.1 – 100 µm
  • Fluorescence sensitivity: ≤ 100 MESF (FITC) | ≤ 50 MESF (PE)
  • Optional CyFlow® Robby 8 Autoloading Station
  • True Volumetric Absolute Counting (TVAC)

For Research Use Only

Order number: CyFlow-Cube-8
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The CyFlow Cube 8 is a compact flow cytometer for the analysis of single cells and microscopic... more
Product information "CyFlow Cube 8"

The CyFlow Cube 8 is a compact flow cytometer for the analysis of single cells and microscopic particles with a high grade of integration. The CyFlow Cube 8 offers the unique combination of a truly stand-alone system of a small footprint with a modular configuration concept with up to 6 colours. The easy-to-use CyFlow™ software provides control of the instrument, data acquisition, analysis and storage. The possibility of customised instrument settings facilitates switching between different applications.

CyFlow® Cube 8 offers True Volumetric Absolute Counting (TVAC), which allows the display of particle concentrations for any subsets of cells without the need for reference beads, even if defined by a gate at a later time after the acquisition.

  • Optional CyFlow Robby 8 Autoloading Station for well plates and tubes

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* All prices are quoted net of the statutory value-added tax and shipping costs and possibly delivery charges, if not otherwise described

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